Saturday, 5 April 2014

Blooms Taxonomy was developed in the 1950’s and is referred today  for describing different levels of thinking skills.There are six categories of educational objectives for Bloom’s Taxonomy which are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

 Each of these objectives encompasses higher –order thinking skills which demonstrate the ability to think creatively, critically, and creates a platform for student interaction. With the advancement of technology, Bloom’s taxonomy helps to facilitate the learning and instruction process of e learning through creating , evaluating, analyzing, applying , understanding and remembering.

Blooms taxonomy and the integration of technology  is essential for the success of a 21st century learner. Educators can combine both blooms model and technology and apply it to various learning styles so that children can reach their maximum potential.

There are many software programs that meets Bloom's e-learning objectives.
Knowledge -

Comprehension/Understanding - Padlet is a virtual wall that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (images, videos, document text) anywhere on the page.
Application - 

Analysis - 

Synthesis/Creating - Powtoon is a is a fairly new program that is commonly being used today. Through Powtoon both teacher and student can create, construct, design,  and formulate topics through text, pictures and sound that meet the eye of the 21st century learner. 
Evaluation - 


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